Satellite Monitor Annual Research Shows SES Increase Reach to 366 Million TV Homes Worldwide

来源: 编辑: 发布: 2022-04-06 15:33

Industry benchmark report confirms SES’s position as a global leader in content delivery over satellite

LUXEMBOURG--(BUSINESS WIRE)--SES announced today the results of its annual Satellite Monitor market research, the industry’s premier accounting of satellite’s TV reach, which underscores SES’s position as the leader in enabling content delivery via satellite directly and indirectly. SES now delivers almost 8,400 TV channels – including 3,130 in HD or UHD – to a total of 366 million TV homes worldwide, an increase of five million homes over the previous year. SES continues to outperform the industry with the highest number of TV homes reached and record-breaking number of channels delivered.

The increase of TV households served by SES can be attributed to the growing reach in Africa (+9.1 million), APAC (+1 million) and Latin America (+1.7 million), where direct-to-home satellite platforms and IPTV continue to gain traction as leading TV reception methods. In SES’s key European market via 19.2 degrees East, SES continues to reach 117 million homes, delivering content to half of all TV homes in the market via satellite, cable or IPTV. SES’s reach to TV homes in North America is down by 6 million as American audiences turn toward online streaming alternatives.

In Africa, SES continues to expand its satellite reach due to the growth of Ethiopian free-to-air offering, including the country’s first dedicated TV platform Ethiosat. SES has also led an intensive programme to get TV viewers in Ethiopia to repoint their dishes at the satellite positioned at 57 degrees East for the past two years, and is currently serving a predominant number of satellite TV homes in Ethiopia.

The following table shows the 2021 Satellite Monitor regional breakdown of SES’s TV home reach:


TV Homes


170 million

North America

59 million


46 million

Latin America

44 million

Asia Pacific

34 million

Middle East

13 million



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